
What Are The Different Kinds Of Car Accident Liability Claims?

Car accident claims are not always cut and dried. In fact, there is a variety of potential liability claims that can dictate the best course of action to take in your case. The following are just a few liability claims related to car accidents and what they entail, so you can remain informed as your case progresses.

Claims Against Another Driver

Car accident claims against other drivers are most common. In this case, the other motorist may have behaved negligently in some way. Perhaps they were driving with distractions or failed to implement the right coverage for their vehicles. In order to recoup your losses, you may need to file suit against negligent drivers to ensure your injuries are covered.

Claims Against the Driver of a Commercial Vehicle

Driving big rigs and tractor trailers requires quite a bit of experience and knowledge. These drivers must also use the utmost care, as their sizable vehicles are capable of causing major damage in an accident. Should you be involved in an accident with a commercial vehicle, you will be faced with a corporate insurance company that does not have your best interests as heart. If you’re offered a low settlement, filing a claim improves the chance that you’ll receive a sufficient settlement for your injuries.

Product Liability Claims

While most car crashes involve driver error, in some cases a vehicle defect might be at fault. When defective parts cause an accident, you may be able to file a claim against the manufacturer of those parts. This is a highly complex legal proceeding that requires an experienced team. Product liability claims can be filed against the designers of automobiles, or they might affect the manufacturer depending on the nature of the issue.

Wrongful Death Claims

Losing a loved one is always difficult, but it’s especially trying when the loss results from a preventable accident. In this case, the survivors of the deceased can file a wrongful death claim against the person considered responsible for what happened. Damages can help pay for end-of-life medical costs and funeral expenses, as well as costs needed to care for the family left behind. Pain and suffering are also possible, which is meant to ease the emotional burden caused by your loved one’s death.

Regardless of the type of car accident liability claim your faced with, our attorneys at Martinez, Hart, Sanchez & Romero, P.C. can help you address it. We’ve helped clients with distracted driving accidents, tractor trailer collisions, multi-vehicle accidents, and more.

The first step is to discuss your case with our team of skilled attorneys. Schedule a consultation at our Albuquerque office by calling 505-343-1776 today. You can also learn more about our firm and services by contacting us online.