
Are In-Car Infotainment Systems Safe?

If you’ve bought a new vehicle recently, you might have noticed the center display is a lot different than it used to be. Car infotainment systems are the norm these days, and designers say they make the driving experience safer. However, it’s hard not to look at these displays as a distraction, especially when considering the issues posed by mobile device use behind the wheel.

Types of Driving Distractions

There are three types of driving distractions to be aware of. Visual distractions occur when you take your eyes off the road for any reason. There are also cognitive distractions, which cause you to take your mind off the task at hand. The third type involve manual distractions, which occurs when you take your hands off the wheel. Mobile device usage is so dangerous because it combines all three types of distractions. However, it’s not the only distraction to consider.

How Car Infotainment Systems Measure Up

While in-vehicle infotainment systems aren’t quite as distracting as mobile devices, they can still pose a risk to drivers. These systems require you to take your eyes off the road to view the screen, which prevents you from paying full attention. Because many provide phone call and text alerts, they can also distract mentally while you’re driving. And while they don’t require the same level of manual usage as mobile devices, you must still remove one hand from the wheel to operate controls.

In Albuquerque, Martinez, Hart, Sanchez & Romero, P.C. have many decades of legal excellence behind them. Our team understands the dangerous role distraction plays in car accidents, and we’ll ensure your best interests remain at the center of our legal strategy. We also treat our clients with the utmost compassion and care because that’s what you deserve.

Please schedule a consultation with our firm by calling 505-343-1776 today. You can also contact us for more information.